The 411 On Bullying: 4 Different Types Of This Common Behavior
Many children face ridicule and name-calling at school and in other social situations. However, this behavior has become a more serious and dangerous problem for children, teens, and adults. Considering one out of every four students report a bullying problem, your child may also face a bully at one point in time at school. Thankfully, understanding this behavior can help determine if your child is dealing with a bully. If you are a parent who wants to protect your child, consider using this guide to understand the 4 types of bullying.
Teaching About The Sociology Of Gangs And Law Enforcement: Materials That Can Help You
If you have recently decided to teach a course in the sociology of gangs and gang violence as well as the complex relationships that gangs have with law enforcement agencies, you may be wondering what materials you can and should use to base your lessons on. Many students will have ideas in their heads about gangs based on television, movies, and even music that will influence their opinions even before the first day of class.
The Love of Learning Begins in Preschool
It may be possible to convince a college or high school student that even something boring can be beneficial to learn. Young kids may feel as if their math class is going to ruin their lives, but once they reach a certain level of maturity and understanding, they can usually be encouraged to do what is necessary to get through it. Children are not quite that easily convinced when they're three, however.